Tag: New York Bakery1

Impact Companies Tag: New York Bakery 1

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Greyston Bakery, Inc.

United States

While baking 30,000 lbs of delicious brownies on a daily basis is no small task, Open Hiring is the hallmark of Greyston Bakery and what we are best known for. For over 30 years, Greyston has proudly maintained an open door hiring policy, offering employment opportunities regardless of educational attainment, work history, or past social barriers, such as incarceration, homelessness or drug use. We believe that employment is a first step in an individual’s path toward success. Here’s how it works: anyone that comes to the front door of our bakery is given the chance to work, no questions asked. When a job becomes available we take the next person off our waiting list and give them a job. Once an individual starts at Greyston, they become a part of the apprenticeship program. Greyston provides them with resources, personal development tools and training in professional skills to give them the greatest chance for success in their new job. In 2012, Greyston Bakery provided employment opportunities and training to 181 residents within our community.

Food Products & Organics